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Frans Hals (Antwerpen, 1582/83 – Haarlem, 1666)

Officers and Subalterns of St George’s Civic Guard


In 1639, the leaders of St George’s civic guard commissioned Frans Hals to paint a group portrait. It was his sixth and last civic guard painting. The guards are assembled in two rows – unlike Hals’s other group portraits. The sense of movement is created by the weapons and banners.

One of the men is Frans Hals himself. Although not a member of the guards at the time, he added himself to this group portrait - he looks on from the top left corner. This is the only known self-portrait of the artist.

  • Maker

    Frans Hals (Antwerpen, 1582/83 – Haarlem, 1666)

  • Titel

    Officers and Subalterns of St George’s Civic Guard

  • Periode


  • Collectie

    Frans Hals Museum, Haarlem

  • Materiaal

    Oil paint on canvas | H218 x W421 cm


Groot Heiligland 62, Haarlem

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van 11.00 - 17.00 uur


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