Did you know that a very different story is hiding behind the splendour of 17th-century paintings? The story of slavery and colonialism.
During this guided tour, the children will discuss this topic based on the collection’s masterpieces, including the Frans Hals civic guard portraits. An experienced museum teacher will guide the conversation using various interactive tasks and interview techniques. What can we learn from the past? How do we handle topics such as racism, exclusion and discrimination today? Learn more about this period in the history of the Netherlands by thinking about yourself and others.
This programme aims to help primary school pupils aged 10 and up address our slavery past and to reflect on their own perspective in relation to that of others.
Date On request
Location Frans Hals Museum
Price €200 per workshop (max. 30 pupils, or €100 if max. 15 pupils)
Audience Primair onderwijs
Time 60 minutes
Ties in with kerndoelen 37, 38, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56