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Child bites into lemon at education programme paint, story, fantasy.
Guided tour

Paint, Story, Imagination

Playful guided tour


On request


Frans Hals Museum


€120 per workshop (max. 30 pupils, or €60 if max. 15 pupils)


Primary education

What's your take on art?

During the interactive guided tour, the children learn about the different ways you can look at art. What kind of story do you imagine based on what you see?

The museum teacher takes the children (and a suitcase full of objects) around the museum. The children learn to describe what they see. They use their imagination to look at art. They learn about how artists use their paint and imagination to tell a story.

This programme ties in with the attainment targets for art, history, vocabulary and language skills for primary school pupils aged 6–9.

Time: 60 minutes

Ties in with several Dutch primary school attainment targets for language (Taal, kerndoelen: 54-55-56)

Museum instructor giving a school group information on a naval battle painting.


Groot Heiligland 62, Haarlem

Open Tuesday – Sunday
11 AM – 5 PM


Grote Markt 16, Haarlem

Temporary modern and contemporary art exhibition

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