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Primary school pupil painting at a Frans Hals Museum workshop

Paint like Frans Hals

Painting workshop with a brief guided tour

Practice your loose brushwork skills!

At the workshop, you’ll learn to paint like Haarlem’s renowned painter Frans Hals. He was famous in his day (and even now) for his loose brushwork. What’s so special about his style and how can you master loose brushwork?

The children start by taking a quick guided tour to look at museum masterpieces. They’ll observe Frans Hals’s style and that of other 17th-century master painters to discover how loose brushwork magically created life-like people on the canvas. Was it really magic? The children will find out at the museum workshop. Stand at an easel, pick up a brush and paint!

Date Check availability

Location Frans Hals Museum

Price €200 per workshop (max. 30 pupils, or €100 if max. 15 pupils)

Audience Primary education, Secondary education

Time 90 minutes

Ties in with several Dutch primary school attainment targets for drawing (Tekenen, klassenuitje, excursie, kerndoelen: 54-55-56), also suitable as a class outing

Make a reservation

Uitleg Schilderen als Frans Hals workshop - onderwijs, Frans Hals Museum

Workshow reviews

"I thought at first that all you had to do was criss-cross the canvas with the brush. I soon learned that wasn’t the case. Frans Hals clearly thought about how he painted", Amalia, 10 years old.


Groot Heiligland 62, Haarlem

Open Tuesday – Sunday
11 AM – 5 PM


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