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Overview of the ‘ON THE SPOT’ exhibition.

Inspire fellows

Youth programme

For and by young people

The Frans Hals Museum Inspire Fellowships project gives young people the opportunity to set the course for their own programme. The youth programme creator at the museum is working for and with Haarlem citizens aged 15–18 on a series of experiments to find out how the museum can become more relevant for them. The programmes are developed and created with them.

Overview of the ‘ON THE SPOT’ exhibition


The programme content is determined by the people who take part. The Frans Hals Museum wants to provide a place for young people to share their perspectives and stories with the world at large. The programme also reaches out to various cultural organisations and artists in Haarlem.

Do you have an idea to share? Contact the youth programme creator Karim Selim.

Inspire Fellowships is partly funded by Fonds 21 EXTRA.

ON THE SPOT, December 2023

The first project under the Inspire Fellows banner was ON THE SPOT. How do young people see their city? What would they do differently? What do they want their city’s future to look like? Eleven young citizens of Haarlem shared their perspectives on the city using graffiti and analogue photography at the ON THE SPOT exhibition. They worked with artist Ben Plummer and photographer Martijn Kuyvenhoven.

Group photograph of the young people who took part in the ‘ON THE SPOT’ exhibition, by Paik van Schagen

‘The ON THE SPOT project was great because it gave young people of Haarlem the opportunity to connect with their city. I really like the fact that Stoked Haarlem and the Frans Hals Museum are looking for creative young people. And they’re offering them a place to network and grow.’

Max, 20 jaar


The arts & culture festival OUTSIDE THE BOX took place on Saturday 1 June 2024. This event was set up for and by young people from Haarlem in collaboration with the Frans Hals Museum and Library Zuid-Kennemerland. There were up-and-coming young artists from the region (Scuba Dawg & Sirum, Laura Sjin, Fleebag and Milolaathetlukken), there was a workshop by comic book author Schwantz, you could make your own jewellery with Infuse, shop vintage designer & upcycle clothes at Loré Loré Atelier and take a musical tour of the museum.

Group of young people who organised arts and culture festival outside the box.


Groot Heiligland 62, Haarlem

Open Tuesday – Sunday
11 AM – 5 PM


Grote Markt 16, Haarlem

Temporary modern and contemporary art exhibition

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